Play Your Way

A special event for children with autism ages 2-15 and their families, Play Your Way is an opportunity to relax, have fun, and learn.


Upcoming Events


Eventos de PYW en español

Próximos eventos

Primavera Sensorial
Sábado 26 de abril
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Relájate y disfruta una tarde en un lugar donde las actividades alientan a aprender jugando, donde el personal está preparado para asegurar una experiencia exitosa para tu familia, y donde puedes conocer a otras familias y aprender sobre recursos locales.

Verano Sensacional
Sábado 26 de julio
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Acompáñanos en el museo morado para disfrutar una tarde con actividades temáticas de verano que alientan el aprendizaje a través del huego. Nuestro personal está preparado para asegurarle a tu familia una experiencia más relajada a comparación de un día típico en el museo. Tendrás la oportunidad de conocer a otras familias y aprender sobre recursos locales a tu alcance.

Halloween dulce o truco
Viernes 31 de octubre
4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Únete para un divertido Halloween en familia este otoño con Play Your Way (Juega a tu manera); un evento diseñado para niños con autismo de 2-15 años y sus familias.

¡Invitamos a todas las familias a usar su disfraz favorito!

El evento tomará lugar al atardecer y con cupo limitado para que los niños puedan disfrutar todas las cosas divertidas que el museo tiene para ofrecer pero con menos gente, menos ruido, y menos luces. Nuestra meta es que tu familia tenga una experiencia positiva...sin mencionar, una tarde fantabulosa!

Sensory Spring 
Saturday, April 26
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Relax and enjoy the evening in a place where activities encourage hands-on learning, where the staff is prepared to ensure a successful experience for your family, and where you can get to know other families and learn about local resources.

Summer Sensations
Saturday, July 26
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Join us at the Purple Museum for an enjoyable evening with summertime-themed activities throughout the museum that encourage hands-on learning. Our staff is prepared to ensure a successful and more relaxed experience for your family than a typical day at the museum. You will have a chance to get to know other families and learn about local resources available to yours.

Halloween Trick or Treat
Friday, October 31
4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Join us for Halloween family fun at this fall’s Play Your Way event designed for children with autism, ages 2-15, and their families.

It’s going to be a frighteningly fangtastic time with sensory activities and Halloween fun. We encourage all families to come dressed in their favorite costumes!

The event is being held in the early evening with limited attendance so your child can enjoy all the fun things the museum has to offer, just with fewer people and less noise and bright lights. Our goal is for your family to have a positive experience… not to mention, a wickedly awesome time!



Social Story: Text and pictures to gain familiarity about your visit to the Museum Download
Museum Map: Download

These evenings are part of the Museum’s longstanding Autism Initiative.