Media Room Strategic Initiative Early Childhood Development

Museum Set to Welcome Visitors Back Inside

The Mercury News
March 30, 2021

Santa Clara County has shifted to the orange tier and that's good news for the museum. After being closed for more than a year, families will be able to enjoy the inside of the museum and Bill's Backyard, starting April 1. Capacity is limited to 25 percent and there are a number of health and safety protocols in place to protect visitors and staff. Learn More

Early Childhood Development, General Museum

Children’s Discovery Museum Prepares to Welcome Back Visitors

The Mercury News
September 24, 2020

Donning a purple mask, the perched Discovery Duck is welcoming back visitors to the venerable children's museum starting October 9. A number of health and safety measures have been put in place to open Bill's Backyard with two play sessions per day. Learn More

Early Childhood Development, General Museum

Family Diversity is Celebrated at Proud of My Family

Bay Area Reporter
June 19, 2019

Contributing a positive message to the national narrative around diversity and inclusion, the museum hosted its fifth annual Proud of My Family day June 22. Rainbow-themed activities, the Silicon Valley Rainbow Women's Chorus, and partners from the LGBTQ community were on-hand to celebrate family diversity. Learn More

Creativity through the Arts, Early Childhood Development, Inclusion & Cultural Competence, Partnerships & Resource Development

Museum Announces Access and Inclusion Initiative

imp inpark Magazine
June 19, 2019

Visitors of all abilities will now have additional options for accessing Children's Discovery Museum. This initiative advances our most deeply held values of access and inclusion for all members of the community,” said Marilee Jennings, executive director of Children’s Discovery Museum. “These efforts build upon our existing initiative work with the Autism, LGBTQ, and immigrant communities.” Learn More

Early Childhood Development, General Museum, Health Promotion, Inclusion & Cultural Competence, Learning Research

Disability Initiative Launches to Provide Greater Access and Options

June 5, 2019

Visitors of all abilities will now have additional options for accessing and enjoying the museum with the launch of the museum’s Disability Initiative. This work is part of the museum’s strategic commitment, “Inclusion and Cultural Competence," and includes new universally designed automated doors, an upgrade to the Quiet Room, and the new program, "Afternoons for All Abilities" that joins the existing program, "Play Your Way," for children with Autism. Learn More

Early Childhood Development, General Museum, Inclusion & Cultural Competence

Environmental Education Program Culminates with Nature Festival

May 15, 2019

Happy Trails, the innovative program launched last fall by the museum narrows the "nature gap" by removing barriers for inner city families to experience and enjoy the outdoors. Through three facilitated hikes, workshops, and parent resources in Spanish, Vietnamese and English, families gain skills, comfort, and confidence in the outdoors. Learn More

Early Childhood Development, Environmental Stewardship, Science Learning

Education Innovator and Author Milton Chen is 2019 Legacy Award Honoree

May 1, 2019

Education innovator and author Milton Chen believes in education. Just not in the traditional sense. For nearly four decades, he's been on the cutting edge of research - advocating for teaching to keep pace with changes in society and how children learn. Chen is this year's 20th Legacy for Children Award honoree. Learn More

Early Childhood Development, General Museum

BioSITE Celebrates 25 Years of Sparking Curiosity in Science

The Mercury News
April 12, 2019

For 25 years, the museum's BioSITE program has been turning local waterways into living laboratories and classrooms for local youth. Fourth and fifth graders mentored by high school students test water quality and monitor the health of rivers, creeks and streams with the goal of fostering an appreciation and respect for the environment. Learn More

Community Service Learning, Early Childhood Development, Environmental Stewardship, General Museum, Partnerships & Resource Development, Science Learning

Question Quest: A Week of Investigating Your World Honors 25th Anniversary of Award-Winning BioSITE Program

April 2, 2019

Did you know that over 70% of the planet is covered by the sea? Or that the Pacific Ocean covers over half the globe? Environmental and science organizations will be at Children’s Discovery Museum April 9 – 13 answering these questions and sparking more with hands-on science activities during Question Quest week. This year’s theme, Blue Planet, celebrates the 25th anniversary of BioSITE (Students Investigating Their Environment), the museum’s field-based environmental science program where students learn watershed ecology and environmental stewardship. Learn More

Early Childhood Development, Environmental Stewardship, General Museum, Partnerships & Resource Development, Science Learning

Hanukkah Celebration Shows Kids How We’re All Different Yet Connected

The Mercury News
December 3, 2018

Families in Silicon Valley are eager to expose their children to the many rich cultures around the world. Helping kids appreciate how others are different goes a long way toward a hopeful future. That's what makes Menorahs & Miracles so joyful, fun - yet full of purpose and intention. This annual partner event celebrates Hanukkah and helps children experience different cultures around the world. Learn More

Creativity through the Arts, Early Childhood Development, Inclusion & Cultural Competence, Partnerships & Resource Development

South Bay Teen Inspires Young Visitors with “A-mazing” Talent

ABC 7 News
November 20, 2018

Jonathan Pappas is a teen with talent. He inspired museum's visitors with his passion for all things mazes with an "UberMaze Experience Day" during Thanksgiving holiday. Jonathan's spark for art, math, and technology began when he was five years old. At sixteen, he's now designed more than 300 original mazes, been selected as a Maker at this year's Maker Faire, and created a child-friendly app that he prototyped at the museum. Learn More

Community Service Learning, Creativity through the Arts, Early Childhood Development, Science Learning

Executive Director Marilee Jennings On Diversity & Inclusion with SV Business Journal

Silicon Valley Business Journal
November 16, 2018

On any given day in the museum, you'll hear numerous languages being spoken. The museum's audience mirrors the tremendous diversity in the Bay Area. This is no accident. It's the result of years of intentional work that includes everything from the Cultural Celebration Series, tri-lingual signage, staffing decisions, and exhibits and programs to deeply held community partnerships. Learn More

Community Service Learning, Creativity through the Arts, Early Childhood Development, Environmental Stewardship, Exhibition Development, General Museum, Health Promotion, Inclusion & Cultural Competence, Learning Research, Partnerships & Resource Development, Science Learning

Voyage to Vietnam Returns Home After National Tour

October 1, 2018

After a two-year national tour to promote understanding of the Vietnamese culture, the exhibition Voyage to Vietnam: Celebrating the Tet Festival returns home. The exhibition was developed by the museum with the help of 10 community leaders who consulted on the two-year process to ensure cultural authenticity. It was made possible through a highly competitive national initiative by the Freeman Foundation Asian Culture Exhibit Series. Learn More

Creativity through the Arts, Early Childhood Development, Exhibition Development, General Museum, Inclusion & Cultural Competence, Learning Research, Partnerships & Resource Development