About this Report




This report culminates a two-program year long effort to involve an evaluation component into Discovery Youth. In the summer of 2002, an independent evaluator was invited in to CDM to review the achievements and challenges faced in the previous program year.


In the 2002-2003 program year, the evaluator met with CDM staff in October to plan out a year-long evaluation component. The year began with:


Brainstorming goals for the program year.

Taking stock of the achievements, skills, and challenges of Discovery Youth staff and participants

Creating a web-based survey to measure skills and interests of Discovery Youth


Focus Group sessions with Discovery Youth


Two focus group sessions were held at CDM to gather feedback from DY participants about the 2002-2003 program year. The first session was held in February '03 and the second in June of the same year. At each session participants:



Individual Interviews


Over the course of the year 5 participants gave individual interviews where they described their own experiences in Discovery Youth. T heir comments and stories are woven throughout this report.


Earlier Work


This report builds on the products that have been created over the past two program years. Below are links to previous reports that have been authored by the independent evaluator.


Discovery Youth 2003 Baseline Report


Discovery Youth 2002 Evaluation Report


Discovery Youth 2002 Evaluation Summary


This report was written by Dan Gilbert. Feel free to contact him at daniel.gilbert@stanfordalumni.org