Videos and Animation


Throughout the program year, Discovery Youth participants created videos and animations to encourage peers and younger children to adopt healthy behaviors.


The youth had complete creative control over the projects; they wrote scripts and worked on diverse teams to produce their films. They showed their work to audiences that included younger children, CDM visitors, peers at CDM safe nights, and other members of the community.


In addition to researching health questions, the participants were introduced to the technical and creative aspects of producing educational multimedia. Specifically, this means they learned to:


Shoot footage using digital video cameras

Edit film and create special effects using Adobe Photoshop and Apple iMovie

Create animations using stop motion techniques and Macromedia Flash software

Use backgrounds, set design, costume design, and art direction to make compelling finished products

Not only did they learn specific technologies, but more importantly, they learned how to learn new skills. One participant said that his confidence in using computers will easily to transfer to school: "I won't be afraid if a teacher asks me to e-mail homework"


Contact Discovery Youth staff if you are interested in seeing the videos.




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This report was written by Dan Gilbert. Feel free to contact him at